Saturday, August 29, 2009


  1. I am very concerned about the men and women the president has surrounded himself with. Naturally we surround ourselves with people we agree with and or admire! Also I am concerned that these people are only appointed at his whim. We have no official recourse to kick them out. Have you seen the post on from this morning? I would be interested in your opinion of the Russian ( or soviet) symbols. You can read the things they say, where I cannot. It seems the writer of the post believes Van Jones and possibly the administration is trying to copy soviet symbols and incorporate them into ours.
    you can find it at sorry I couldn't get it to copy, hope it's right! keep up the good work.

  2. I agree, I am also very concerned with the men that he surrounds himself with, who haven't even been elected by us, but personally appointed by him. I hadn't seen it but did take a look, and thought it was pretty interesting. I could see as being very possible, but on the other hand it could also be coincidental. I do however see, and think more importantly that their values are anti-capitalist, and communistic. Which I think is more concerning than the symbols with which they have chosen to represent those values
