Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Are We Ready to Give America up to Communism?

This is not an issue about Democrats or Republicans, it hasn't been for a very long time. This is an isssue between people who love and support this great nation, The United States of America, and people who simply do not. There are some who would have a change in our system, let me make it more clear what they mean when they say that. They mean they hate capitalism, and they think that Marxism will work better.

Well, let me tell you something, it won't, EVER! All we need to do is look at history and we will learn all we need to know about the truth. I have personally seen what communism does to a country, having lived in a "formerly" communist country for two years and trust me we don't want to get anywhere near it. Sure our system isn't perfect, but it is the best system this world has ever seen, and if we would make steps to return it to what it originally was, we would see a system that is as close to perfect as this world will ever see. Of course we need some changes, we need to step back and take another look at the constitution and live by it. But first we have to stop the direction it is heading, only then can we turn around!

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Van Jones, in His Own Words

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