Saturday, November 13, 2010


I know that I have written on entitlements before. Well, I am going to write about them again. They are destroying this country plain and simple. The less people want to work, the longer we are going to stay in this recession. The government isn’t going to get us out. The government has never produced any wealth in its entire existence. The more entitled we become, the more rapidly this country will be destroyed, or at least brought to it's free knees. If no one is working, then where will the government get their money? Now I understand that there are legitimate situations in which people need assistance. But I would encourage people in those situations to look for other sources. Sources that teach men to fish, not those that merely give fish. When men are the recipients of handouts we can quickly become broken, and diffident. We need to get back to being self-reliant, to being men. The government does not provide, it is not, nor has it ever been the government's responsibility to feed us, cloth us, and or pay our mortgages. Now we have MSNBC saying that it is time for a social revolution. That everyone should just stop paying their mortgages.

If this is a legitimate news source, I don't know what our country's fate is. It is as it always has been, in our hands. If we think that we have no power, we most assuredly are mistaken. We are Americans! America has been great in the past, because her people were great. "Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better" Martin Luther King, Jr. It is time for us to do our work, and do it well. We can only remain free if we are willing to work for it!

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