Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time to say, NO!!!

I was just reading some of the most recent news. I read that 75 percent of American youth are ineligable to serve in our armed forces. Why? Because an overwhelming percent of youth today are either too stupid, too fat, or too dishonest. Simply stated we live in an over priveleged generation it's time to say no!

We see it every day in every aspect of life. The government giving out money to bail out everyone possible. People going bankrupt to get out of debt they have gotten themselves into. Youth who think they should be able to have everything they want when they want it. Young couples who want a bigger better house than their parents have now. Children who don't want to do their homework. People who don't want to work but think they deserve the money. People who want the house without having to pay the mortgage. People who want a new car that they really can't afford instead of an old one. People who want to get paid for doing nothing, and the government is paying them to do nothing. People who want a government to feed them cloth them and give them everything they want and need, but they don't want to think about the cost in the long run.

It's time to say, NO!! The only way America is going to return to what it once was is if someone starts saying no. The only way to get this country out of debt is not to keep printing money, it's to say no. We won't make any new programs because we need to be fiscally responsible as a country! We need legislators who aren't afraid to say no. We need people who aren't willing to take something when they haven't earned it. We need a President who doesn't give into every whim of every person on this planet without thinking about the cost to the individual. We need people who are willing to tell their children no when they want something that they haven't earned. In short if what we have is important to us and we want to keep, and improve it, we need to start saying NO, NOW! Then, and only then will America return to the moral, free, economically thriving country that it was, and continue to improve, to become what it is destined to be!


  1. I think it's funny how often we think we are entitled to things. It almost becomes second nature. I believe there are still a lot of good, informed people out there. There might even be a couple honest legislators...maybe. There's still hope. I'm happy to see you put yourself out in the crossfire. I know what that's like, and it's usually not any fun--sometimes it is though.
    Keep it up.

  2. Amen. Go back to 500 AD, the most basic and obvious necessities are food, water, shelter and clothing. Anything else would be nice but not a necessity. There are necessities, needs and wants. Today we consider too many luxuries necessities. Honestly, indoor plumbing is really nice and makes life a whole lot easier but I will not die without it. Indoor plumbing is a want and in our culture a need but not a necessity. I believe that many Americans are in debt because they can’t control their desires and can’t distinguish between necessity and luxury; need vs. want.
