Monday, March 22, 2010

In light of what has recently taken place in these Great United States. I believe there is something to be done, something that must be done. During 9/11 the enemy was without now in 2010 the enemy is within. I feel that we have not only the right, but the responsibility to show our belief in America as the Republic that it truly is. These past few months and as a matter of fact years we as a people have been pushed around by the government that we created. We would all do well to remember that it was not the government that has made us who we are. The government did not create the United States, WE did! Recently we have received less freedoms and more burdens than we should be willing to take. We have allowed men whom we appointed to tell us how we feel and what we need. That is not what I signed up for. It is not what WE signed up for. We live in the United States of America. The greatest nation this world has or will ever see.
I believe that it is time for us to take her back, and we can do it, together. Together we can make a difference. We can show our belief in this great country that was established by great men. Men who would be furious to see what it has become. Together we can show the government and those who want this nation to fall that we will not allow them to take it! At least not without a fight! It seems difficult at times to know, what can do in times like these. We can do something simple, as I have said together we can show that we believe in America as it once was and as it can be once again. During 9/11 we banned together. Not because of the government, but because we believed what the United States of America and the flag that we proudly fly high represents something, something extraordinary. Let us ban together again to show the government that we the people will take our America back. Today I will buy an American flag and I will fly it high and proud. For everyone that believes in America I would ask that you do the same. Together we can and will restore this nation to greatness!
Phillip Craven

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