Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Political Figures

Al Gore, the forerunner for the global environmental crisis has turned out to be a hypocrite. While spreading his propoganda in Sweden he decided to leave his car running, for his entire speach, over an hour. In case there was any doubt about Al Gore's dedication to the environmental cause he just removed it all. He is a complete moron. How people like this ever obtain any power in this country is entirely beyond my understanding!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lame Duck

If there is something that doesn't make sense to me about mid-term elections, it is the fact that regardless of who was elected by the people. The congress members who lost their seats still have the chance to pass pretty much whatever they want during the lame duck session. There should be no lame duck session! If the people voted members out, they obviously lost their seats for a reason, and they have no right to continue to legislate against the will of the American people. One of two things needs to happen. Either the voting date needs to be changed, or the last session of congress needs to be held before the elections. We did not vote to continue to see our will violated. We voted to change what is being done immediately, and that, is exactly what should be done. Now, not after the "Lame duck session".

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I know that I have written on entitlements before. Well, I am going to write about them again. They are destroying this country plain and simple. The less people want to work, the longer we are going to stay in this recession. The government isn’t going to get us out. The government has never produced any wealth in its entire existence. The more entitled we become, the more rapidly this country will be destroyed, or at least brought to it's free knees. If no one is working, then where will the government get their money? Now I understand that there are legitimate situations in which people need assistance. But I would encourage people in those situations to look for other sources. Sources that teach men to fish, not those that merely give fish. When men are the recipients of handouts we can quickly become broken, and diffident. We need to get back to being self-reliant, to being men. The government does not provide, it is not, nor has it ever been the government's responsibility to feed us, cloth us, and or pay our mortgages. Now we have MSNBC saying that it is time for a social revolution. That everyone should just stop paying their mortgages.

If this is a legitimate news source, I don't know what our country's fate is. It is as it always has been, in our hands. If we think that we have no power, we most assuredly are mistaken. We are Americans! America has been great in the past, because her people were great. "Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better" Martin Luther King, Jr. It is time for us to do our work, and do it well. We can only remain free if we are willing to work for it!

Friday, July 2, 2010


I love how the president uses everything humanly possible for his political gain. Now he's going to give 11 million illegal immigrants citizenship. I predict just in time for the 2012 election. As he says it just isn't feasible to deport them. Come on Obama who are you too talk about expensive what happened to those billions of dollars. I know the entire stimulus is still not accounted for, not to mention it didn't have any effect. So maybe you should use some money to do something worthwhile. It is feasible. Yes, Obama there are some who are just here for a better life. What about all those who are here to ruin other's lives.

I am so tired of hearing people all over talking about the rights of illegal immigrants under the constitution. Guess what, they have no rights under the constitution. They are not citizens. Being an American is not, nor will it ever be a right. It is a privilege that millions of people are trying to legitimately work for. Regardless of what they are here for, it's not a very good track record to start off breaking the law.

Let me propose a new immigration law. First of all we secure the border, that obama says is already secure, but is not. We build a fence and wall across the whole thing. Then we stop enabling illegal citizens. We need to crack down on businesses hiring illegals. Then we need to enable everyone and pass a national law like the Arizona law. Then, we need to enforce said law. Not just ignore it and act like it wsa never passed. We need to enable our law enforcement to actually deport as many as possible. Sure, we can't feasibly deport every single illegal. However, we can certainly can show everyone else that is thinking about crossing the border illegally that it needs to be done the right way. We will not reward those who are breaking the law. Many people may say this view is harsh. However, being an American is a privilege and we appreciate what we work for.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Out of touch?!

"He can’t be that out of touch." Obama when are you going to stop blaming everyone for every problem in this country and own up to your actions. Republican house leader Boehner was quoted by Obama saying that Obama's financial reform bill is like use a nuke on an ant. Obama used what he said to say that the republicans are out of touch "he can't be that out of touch" Well,what about you Obama. Do you know what people are saying about you. You don't even need to talk. We can see how out of touch you are based upon your actions! How can you justify preaching how we are on the rise out of financial crisis,saying that we have avoided a depression and the financial crisis is over. Not only that but you say every economist who looks at it says we're on the way to recovery?! I want to know who said that, and how long they've been working for you. How out of touch are you Obama. Do you know what's going on. Stocks are down, jobless claims are up, recovery is certainly not what I would call it. No, of course you don't, you're too busy campaigning, and worrying about throwing this country into a socialist tailspin. Start acting like a man Obama own up to what is going on, and what you've done!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Concerned American

I can no longer stand idly by and watch what is going on around me. I'm 21 years old and I'm going to have a heart attack if I don't at least say something. I wish I could have personal meetings with Obama, and with congress. So that I could tell them personally, probably to no avail, that they should be ashamed of themselves. But since I can't do that I will do what I can, in hopes that someone, somewhere, will hear my voice. So that I know that I am not alone. When together can restore the America that Washington could still be proud of. I assure you that if we all remain separate; If we do not voice what we know to be right. We will fall! Because most assuredly that is the direction we are headed.

What in the world is going on in congress? The "hearings" with BP. Those are not hearings. Is it Thursday???? What are you doing having hearings before the investigation is complete? Congress is acting like a bunch of children. Congress is so surprised when the CEO, Tony Hayward has no answers. Yet, they are tying up the man that they think has all of the power. When he should be doing what is really important. Stopping the devastation, putting all of his effort into stopping the leak. Not sitting in a room with a bunch of politicians who are acting like this is a playgroung. Wait for your little playground face-off until after the problem is solved. Not right smack dab in the middle of it. You aren't investigating anything. You're just playing a political, media game! Shame on Tony Hayward for not standing up and saying let me do my job. Let me do what Americans are legitimately concerned about. Then we can talk.

What is Obama doing? He and his political agenda have got to be stopped! Who does he think he is trying to force BP into compensating the American people for damages, reasonably so, BUT outside of the law? There is absolutely no way that strong arming a private company into compensation fits anywhere within the statutes of U.S. law. If the President of the United States cannot obey the law. Who should be expected to! Obama this is not your playground! These are peoples lives! Where in the world does he get off putting a hold on all offshore drilling, contrary to the advise of scientists? Then he tells BP that they need to compensate those people that he has put out of work. When you were the one who did it Obama? Always blaming everyone else for his problems. That should come out of his own pocket. Then you create a comittee that has no experience with oil, to investigate offshore drilling. What is the deal! On top of all that. While this is going on he is trying to pass cap and trade. Which will cause the price of energy to "necessarily skyrocket". Meanwhile he is starting offshore drilling in Brazil, loaning 2 billion dollars. Taking away all of the jobs that we have here on our own shores. How in the world? when is the president going to get interrogated??

Surely you agree with Joe Barton. When he said this, "I’m not speaking for anyone else, but I apologize. I do not want to live in a county where anytime a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, [it is] subject to some sort of political pressure that, again, in my words, amounts to a shakedown.”

I assure you, Congressman Barton that you do speak for someone else. I to apologize for what some people have done to this country!

Monday, March 22, 2010

In light of what has recently taken place in these Great United States. I believe there is something to be done, something that must be done. During 9/11 the enemy was without now in 2010 the enemy is within. I feel that we have not only the right, but the responsibility to show our belief in America as the Republic that it truly is. These past few months and as a matter of fact years we as a people have been pushed around by the government that we created. We would all do well to remember that it was not the government that has made us who we are. The government did not create the United States, WE did! Recently we have received less freedoms and more burdens than we should be willing to take. We have allowed men whom we appointed to tell us how we feel and what we need. That is not what I signed up for. It is not what WE signed up for. We live in the United States of America. The greatest nation this world has or will ever see.
I believe that it is time for us to take her back, and we can do it, together. Together we can make a difference. We can show our belief in this great country that was established by great men. Men who would be furious to see what it has become. Together we can show the government and those who want this nation to fall that we will not allow them to take it! At least not without a fight! It seems difficult at times to know, what can do in times like these. We can do something simple, as I have said together we can show that we believe in America as it once was and as it can be once again. During 9/11 we banned together. Not because of the government, but because we believed what the United States of America and the flag that we proudly fly high represents something, something extraordinary. Let us ban together again to show the government that we the people will take our America back. Today I will buy an American flag and I will fly it high and proud. For everyone that believes in America I would ask that you do the same. Together we can and will restore this nation to greatness!
Phillip Craven